HISTORY OF MEDICINE - (This terse communication was looked over again by the researcher by means of a revisal study).

The 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair, formally known as the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition, also called the Universal Exposition of 1904, unveils rare photographs of the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, Brazil, taken circa 1904 by the photographer Mr. R. A. Read. The pictures were shown in a brief report on the Faculty sent to the St. Louis Universal Exposition of 1904 by the Dean Alfredo Thomé de Britto.

Original photographs were reproduced and provided by a collector, who lives in Cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

The legends written in English concerning to the photographs came from the author of the account.

Photographer: Mr. R. A. Read, a very skilful photographer and portraitist, acquired proficiency in his profession during more than twenty years. During this period he spent seven years working with the most famous Horatio Whooton’s studio, in England. He also engaged the services of photographer and portraitist throughout the entire time of eight years in Newell & C., Portsmouth, a very well known atelier in the United States. His studio ran since the 1896’s at Portão da Piedade, n. 40, in Cidade da Bahia, Brazil, where the costumers used to take a lot of photographs and find well done artistic working sold in low prices.

Researcher: Dr. Antonio Carlos Nogueira Britto.

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